
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

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Birding Tour List – Manakin Nature Tours

One of our most iconic tours in Brazil, with more than 400 species of birds to see and many endemic species, especially manakin, macaws, parrots, tanagers and hummingbirds.

One of our most iconic tours, with more than 700 species of birds to see and many endemic species, especially tanagers and hummingbirds; Enjoy the greatness of the Colombian Andes on this trip and know why they call us in…

The lowlands of the Magdalena Valley are the perfect habitat for more than 500 species of birds and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta a remarkable neotropical hotspot. Is a perfect trip to increase your checklist and the perfect opportunity…

A Truly unique experience in such wonderful birding places. Both located on the eastern area of Colombia, the huge Amazon forest and the vast Savannahs of Colombia are home of at least 1000 bird species, this trip visit the best…

Colombia has a complex and unique topography, geography and geology and this is reflected in a wide range of different ecosystems and due to this variety, the speciation of birds has occurred throughout the territory. In the south of Colombia,…

The Andes in Colombia splitted in three different branches, interspersed by deep valleys, this situation creates an isolated evolution on each branch, traveling on the Andes is go seeking for special birds.

This is a combination of two of our best trips, the Andes and the Choco with the Magdalena Valley and the Atlantic Coast; here the focus is the endemic species and rarities of Colombia, an incredible trip that will leave…

The most important river in Colombia es flanked by the branches of eastern and Central Andes, this biogeographical barriers limited the birds distribution and speciation occurs in this valley all the way from south to north, a wonderful trip loaded…

An immersion into a little known and vast ecosystem of the Amazonian jungle where unexpected records and new species are being discover and described.

This is one of the newest world-class birding destinations in Colombia where the influence of the majestic Orinoco River makes the tour a birding treasure

The north of Colombia is a land of contrast, from the dryest area in the country in front of the Caribe, to the highest coastal mountain peak in the world at 18.000ft. and the northernmost extreme extension of the eastern…

Descending from the eastern Andes to live the experience of a Safari in the Colombian flooded Savannas, loaded with amazing landscapes, wildlife and birds.

The unexplored south of Colombia is home of fantastics and less known birds, here we have the closest connection between the Amazon and the Pacific in the world, as a result the numbers of species is incredible.

Andes are hotspots and keep inside a part of this special diversity being home of a lot endemic and near endemics birds, Orinoquia and Amazonia are home of a lot of astonishing amount of incredible birds as well.

This is the first part of an incredible tour where we seek to photograph the largest number of hummingbird species in the Andes: eastern, central, and western and approximately 85 species of them. Most places to visit have hummingbird feeders…

The high area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta was possibly one of the most inaccessible places for birdwatchers in the world and it was always in the TOP of the destinations they wanted to visit.

An incredible photographic tour of birds where the best places in the interior of the Colombian Andes have been chosen, visiting places with very good species of the three mountain ranges, the eastern, western and central.

The high rainfall, and the position in the tropical zone, makes this places one of the most diverse area in the world, a green mantled from the western cordillera to the Pacific ocean.

The jungles of biogeographical Chocó are an exuberant biodiversity.  This zone is one of the most humid on the planet and is where some places exceed a water contribution of 16,000mm per year.

An incredible trip for lovers of wildlife and sea life; This trip that covers one of the longest countries in the world from north to south, is undoubtedly a dream for naturalists, unique and very rare species, exuberant landscapes and…

he Atlantic Forest region of Southeast Brazil is full of special endemic and colorful birds species. With 891 species that live in this ecosystem represent 45% of the species that occur in Brazil and 213 are endemic to the Atlantic…

Birding in Costa Rica is an extraordinary experience. With 9125species the country offers great opportunities within relatively short distances, involving very diverse habitats, from sea level to high mountains. The following itinerary includes some of the most productive birding places,…

Brazil is an immense country with several different ecosystems. This tour is mainly focused on two of the richest habitats in the American continent. For 13 days we will look for a wide variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians…

This 14-day Honduras’ Birding Highlights Tour was elaborated for the more avid birders. We will have time to learn about culture, history, and nature in general, but the focus is clearly on seeing a variety of great Honduran bird species.

Guatemala is considered a megadiverse country, characteristic that shares with 29 states due to a series of geological, environmental and geographic own factors. As to flora, it is referred to, the country counts with 7.754 species. This constitutes 46 %…

Uraba Gulf is an authentic paradise of biodiversity located between the Pacific and the Caribbean, provides the perfect conditions for an incredible birdwatching experience, covering Humid Tropical ecosystems, Mangroves, and Secondary growth forest, which are home to a large number…

The Colombian Pacific was a relatively unexplored area until recently, but the opening up of the area has allowed us to discover its diversity, which is still largely unknown to science.

Colombia has a complex and unique topography, geography and geology and this is reflected in a wide range of different ecosystems, due to this variety, the speciation of birds has occurred throughout the territory.

A birding adventure in one of the most iconic birding places and hotspot. This trip is a great mix of the lowlands in the northernmost extreme of Colombia, dominated by arid shrubbery area and the highlands of Sierra Nevada de…

The Orinoco river – natural limit between Venezuela and Colombia – marks a huge area in Colombia, Los llanos, known of its vast savannahs, gallery forests and their culture

The eastern slope of the Eastern Andes falls gently towards the lowlands of the Colombian savannas in the Orinoco river basin. The join of Andean forests and the savannahs creates an incredible mixture of birdlife that includes birds from the…

A magical trip in the Amazonian ecosystems in Mitú, loaded with incredible birds, some of them listed as the rarest in Colombia. The indigenous culture, amazing rivers, and exuberant biodiversity are the perfect combinations for a wonderful experience in the…

A magical trip in the Amazonian ecosystems in Mitú, loaded with incredible birds, some of them listed as the rarest in Colombia. The indigenous culture, amazing rivers, and exuberant biodiversity are the perfect combinations for a wonderful experience in the…

A great birding adventure starring the city of Cali (“A Branch of Heaven”) during which we visit many ecosystems in which we can see many endemic and almost endemic species and enjoy some of the best Hummingbird and Tangara feeders…

Our typical route that includes the tropical rainforests of the Magdalena valley and other fantastic ecosystems in the Eastern Andes. There are beautiful birds from incredibly biodiverse secondary forests, and some of the most enigmatic birds in the country, like…

The Department of Tolima, located in the heart of the country, is a megadiverse territory, with sharp changes in the altitude gradient that allow us to observe birds in the Cloud Forest or Paramo during the morning, and then see…

A getaway through the Colombian Andes not only means being able to see many species of birds but also knowing incredible places, experiencing the beautiful coffee culture of Colombia and also one of the most beautiful and friendly areas of…

A wonderful trip through the mountains of the Eastern Colombian Andes, where the moorlands, the cloud forest and some very special ecosystems, such as the dry forest of the Chicamocha Canyon, will provide a bunch of good species for your…

All our "Easy & Comfortable" easy and comfortable bird watching and culture tours. There is no physically demanding activity and all walks will be on flat, open trails.

This is wonderful trip, in one of the most biodiverse areas of central Andes; Tolima department – Ibague City. Between elevations from 400 to 2800 meters’ level to see, this tour permits you, to explore easily some of the best…

The Department of Antioquia is considered one of the most biodiverse and rich in birds in all of Colombia, this means that it is also in the world. The multivariate of ecosystems and elevations in addition to its geographical delimitation…

You would think that, in a metropolis like Bogotá, bird watching is almost impossible, however, in Colombia, the country with the highest number of bird species in the world, this is not the case. A few hours from the capital…

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