
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Yellow eared Parrot

Natural Reserves and Protected Areas

Purchase of land for the establishment of Private Nature Reserves

Manakin Nature Tours within its environmental responsibility program seeks to play an important part in the private conservation processes of wildlife and the most fragile ecosystems in the country, in order to contribute to the care and protection of species of fauna and flora in danger of extinction or that are at risk of disappearing or reducing their populations.

During our birdwatching trips throughout the country, we have realized that in many of the regions there are people interested in selling partially or totally land in which there is a presence of species of great interest for conservation or they are under some category of threat, ecosystems that are very fragile or at risk of being destroyed by human intervention.

Although Manakin Nature Tours as a company, has conservation intentions for these properties, there are also people who are only interested in these areas for some type of exploitation that has nothing to do with conservation. This is why we seek through our clients, friends and supporters of nature conservation monetary support, so that together we can acquire some of the properties that we have identified as priority, which of one or the other they aim to guarantee the conservation of the animal and plant species found there and the ecosystem health in harmony with the communities surrounding the land.

Matamata Amazon Reserve

Currently we have identified lands with special importance in the Amazon, in the Andes and in the biogeographic sChocó, where neighboring communities will be directly involved with adjacent projects that have to do with scientific research, environmental education and tourism development. sustainable as part of specific conservation strategies.

If you want to know more about our initiatives to create new reserves or are interested in donating, investing or being a member of this initiative, we invite you to write to us at


Works to improve the trails and facilities of the Río Ñambi Natural Reserve in

southern Colombia, Barbacoas – Nariño

Invested Funds: 12,500 USD

Donor: Manakin Nature Tours and Anonymous Donor from Chicago – USA


Through an agreement-donation established at the beginning of 2019 for a value of 12,500 USD, MANAKIN NATURE TOURS Y FELCA (Fundación Ecológica los Colibríes de Altaquer) begins the activities that lead to the improvement of the infrastructure in the Natural Reserve Río Ñambí, one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in Colombia and one of the places with the greatest potential for bird tourism in the country.

With great pride and as a gesture of the commitment of Manakin Nature Tours for the improvement of the operation and tourist quality in Colombia and so that all national and foreign bird watchers and bird tourism companies can fully enjoy this place, works are carried out For the improvement of the main path, the installation of feeder stations for tanagers, grallarias and woodpeckers, as well as drinking troughs for hummingbirds, resting places were installed along the path and signaling, which will allow the best use of the place. In addition to the inclusion of the Natural Reserve and other neighboring birdwatching places to the international promotion of the destination in the southern Colombian

.Ñambi Ecological Group and FELCA Organization

birdwatching route, with birdwatching companies from different countries and conservation entities such as Audubon and American Bird Conservancy.


Within the framework of this donation agreement, the capacities of local indigenous and peasant communities have been strengthened in bird-tourism issues, as an alternative to improve the quality of life in the post-conflict; 8 permanent and temporary jobs have been given, in addition to the opportunity to integrate other regional projects to the tourist activities of the nature reserve.


The Los Colibríes de Altaquer Ecological Foundation (FELCA), thanks MANAKIN NATURE TOURS for the contribution to Colombian ornithology, bird tourism and the conservation of birdlife and threatened nature in Colombia.


Purchase of a piece of land in the Varzea Forest and Tierra Firme for the conservation of Amazonian fauna and flora and Establishment of the Mata Mata Amazon Reserve (Chelus orinocensis), on the Caño Cunuben basin, Community of Morocoto and Pueblo Nuevo, Municipality of Puerto Inirida, Guainia – Colombia

Invested Funds: 15,000 USD

Donor: Manakin Nature Tours

Matamata Turtle


We have established with our own resources a natural reserve in the basin of the Inírida River, through the Cunuben channel the first private natural reserve of Manakin, called Mata Mata Amazon Reserve, where the main objective is the conservation of a medium-sized portion of forest of Várzea close to the indigenous community of Morocoto and Pueblo Nuevo and the biodiversity of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, plants, etc. that are found there, among which the Mata Mata Tortoise (Chelus orinocensis), the Dolphin stand out. Amazon Pink, Giant Otter, Jaguar, among many other species.

The initial idea of ​​this reserve is to dedicate its territory to scientific research for undergraduate and graduate students from national and foreign universities, with which we will develop in the near future a biological station and monitoring of biodiversity and in the future to make the reserve A self-sustaining ecolodge for tourists who love nature and the incredible Amazon jungle.

If you want to support this beautiful conservation initiative and become a sponsor of Manakin’s first natural reserve for nature conservation or want more information, write to info@manakinnaturetours or donate, any help is welcome.


Establishment of a private nature reserve for the conservation of the wax palm and the protection of a population of the Yellow-eared Parrot, and associated species, in the Andean zone of Colombia.

Number of phases: Three (3)

Phase I: Exploration of potential lands for the conservation of wax palm forests in Toche (Ibagué-Tolima).

Manakin Nature Tour observing the work of researchers from the GEOBIOTA (Conservationist NGO) and the Fundación Vida Silvestre in aspects of the biology and ecology of the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) in the Toche sector, in the department of Tolima; They have envisioned an alliance with them for the creation of a nature reserve in this sector, taking into account that in Toche there are the largest and most conserved remnants of the wax palm (Ceroxilon quindiuense) forests in Colombia and the world. The palm groves of Toche are also considered the genetic epicenter of this species. Likewise, the wax palm is the national tree of Colombia.

Currently all the relics of the wax palm in Toche are private. Achieving and acquiring land where there are remnants of forest of this species would be a successful strategy for the conservation of the palm and bird species associated with them such as the Yellow-eared Parrot, the Mountain Toucan (Andigena nigrirostris), the Crested Eagle. (Spizaetus isidori), the Paramuno Parrot (Leptosittaca branickii), among others.

In this phase, a land exploration and approach with property owners would begin with the aim of seeking a sale negotiation in order to create the reserve. It will mainly be land where there is more than one remnant of the wax palm forest to, in the future, begin to create connectivity between them.

Phase II: Purchase of land and establishment of a nature reserve for the conservation of the Wax Palm and a population of the Yellow-eared Parrot.

Once the ideal property has been explored and a promise to purchase and sell it as a natural reserve has been made, the pertinent purchase and legalization procedures will be carried out to establish the natural reserve.

Phase III: Creation and establishment of a natural reserve management and action plan.

Being already owners of the land for the natural reserve, a biotic and abiotic characterization would begin to be carried out and the design of a management and action plan in the short, medium and long term. Within this plan, the reserve’s self-sustainability, the social projection with directly related population involvement and, of course, the species conservation programs will have priority.

The achievement of the creation of a natural reserve for the wax palm will help and strengthen the conservation projects of the Yellow-eared Parrot in Colombia.

Wax Palm Fields
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