
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

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Blue-bearded Helmetcrest and the Rarest Birds of the Santa Marta

Blue-bearded Helmetcrest and the Rarest Birds of the Santa Marta

per person

The high area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta was possibly one of the most inaccessible places for bird watchers in the world and it was always in the TOP of destinations they wanted to visit; Currently and thanks to the opening of tourism in many isolated places in Colombia and the great opportunities that tourism has generated for different indigenous communities for their community economic development, it has been possible to open up this incredible place, thus benefiting local people, travel agencies and, in general, all those involved in the value chain of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.


This place is undoubtedly a paradise for bird watching and nature in general, being one of the most important and least explored places in Colombia due to its high endemic diversity and very rare species that live there; Only a handful of people have managed to observe the Blue-bearded Helmetcrest or the Santa Marta Wren, in addition to the incredible landscapes of the Sierra Nevada and the glacial lagoons of this isolated and enigmatic place, now with this trip that we offer here you will be able to do it.


Although the trip offers few comfort conditions and requires a great physical effort, we have tried to make all the best logistical arrangements to have a great experience in the mountains, from an excellent camping equipment, to local guides and mules that will help with all the necessary charge to have a good experience. A truly incredible trip that you can put as one of the great challenges reached by few bird watchers in the world and a species highly desired by the world’s birders, on your personal list of birds.

Key Species

Streak-capped Spinetail
Coopery Emerald
White-lored Warbler
Santa Marta Tapaculo
Santa Marta Brush Finch
Golden Grosebeak
Rusty-breasted Antpitta
Black-hooded Thrush
Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush
Pale-eyed Thrush
Santa Marta Blossomcrown
Santa Marta Antpitta
Santa Marta Warbler
Golden- breasted Fruiteater
Golden-winged Warbler
Black-throated Tody Tyrant
Santa Marta Toucanet
Rusty-headed Spinetail
Hermit Wood Wren
Yellow-bellied Chat Tyrant
Santa Marta Screech Owls
Bat Falcon
Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush
Santa Marta Wren
Andean Condor
Streak-thorated Bush Tyrant
Plumbeous Sierra Finch
Streak-backed Canastero
Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
Black-backed Thornbill


  • Lagunas sagradas, indígenas koguis y Arahuacos, highest coastal mountain in the world

  • All the endemics of the Sierra Nevada Santa Marta – SNSM

  • Beautiful views at the top camp site

  • Unique and irreplaceable place in the world

  • Hotspot for endemism

  • Destination
  • Departure
    Simón Bolívar International Airport / Simón Bolívar International Airport
  • Dress Code
    This is a fairly standard birding tour with early morning starts and evening finishes to each day. One some days we may take picnic lunches in order to no waste time during the middle of the day or having to leave site. The weather can be unpredictable with rain and sunshine both likely. At higher altitudes it can be chilly. We have an amazing photo opportunity for many species of hummingbirds and other species coming to feeders, we will also be looking for a good number of species that are very rare and seldom seen, but we will be going to areas that hold these sought-after species.
  • Included
    All domestic flights
    All ground private transportation
    All meals B-L-D
    Entrances to all natural reserves
    Hot drinks
    Private transfer Airport - hotel - aiport
    Professional Private Birding Guide
    Snaks and water
    Soda or juice with each meal
    Vegan and Vegetarian menus
  • Not Included
    Accomodation in Double Room
    Activities not included in the itinerary
    Alcoholic drinks
    All 4x4 vehicules or boats
    Colombian Event Insurance
    Extensions of a trip due to circumstances beyond our control
    International flights and taxes
    International phone calls
    Laundry service
    Medical expenses (not covered for evet insurance)
    Professional Private Driver
    Room service
    Single room - adicional pay
    Tips or gratuity

Day 1. Arrival to Santa Marta / Night in GHL Costa Azul or San Pedro
Day 2. Transfer to the walk start point in San Pedro de la Sierra, walk to base camp in 2.400meters level to sea.
Day 3. Walk to Base camp in 3.600 meters level to sea, Lagoons spots
Day 4/5. Searching the target species in Paramo and around la Lagoons
Day 6. Descent to base Camp in 2.400meters level to see, birding on the way
Day 7. Descent to San Pedro de la Sierra and transfer to Santa Marta Hotel
Day 8. Flight to home

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