
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Volcan San Pedro - Guatemala

Highlands and lowlands of Guatemala, a Mayan World Trip

Highlands and lowlands of Guatemala, a Mayan World Trip

per person

Guatemala is considered a megadiverse country, characteristic that shares with 29 states due to a series of geological, environmental and geographic own factors. As to flora, it is referred to, the country counts with 7.754 species. This constitutes 46 % of all existing plants in Central America and the 40 % of the total of endemic species of Mesoamerica.


The biogeográfic interoceanic position, the existence of 10 physiographic regions, the different reliefs, an ample altitudinal status that goes from the 0 to 4.211 meters above sea level, and characteristics like temperature, humidity, and precipitation, give as a result of a great variety of regions. 10 physiographic regions, 7 biomes, 14 ecoregions, 66 ecosystems and 14 zones of life according to the Holdridge system. Results indicate that there are in Guatemala 192 species of native mammals, 743 species of birds, and Guatemala has the most significant diversity of Amphibians Plethodontidae (salamander without lungs) in the world (41 species, 19 endemics.)


This tour is a mixture of the best birdwatching destinations in Guatemala including the best locations to appreciate endemic bird species.

Key Species

Amethyst Throated Hummingbird
Azured-rumped Tanager
Bar-winged Oriole
Bat Falcon
Black Catbird
Black Hawk-Eagle
Black-and-White Owl
Black-and-White Warbler
Black-capped Siskin
Blue- throated Motmot
Blue-crowned Chlorophonia
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Bushy-crested Jay
Chesnut-sided Shrike-vireo
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
Cinnamon Hummingbird
Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer
Common Raven Sparrow
Crescent-chested Warbler
Crested Eagle
Crested Guan
Elegant Euphonia
Emerald Toucanet
Emerald-chinned Hummingbird
Fulvous Owl
Garnet Throated Hummingbird
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Great Curassow
Green-Backed Sparrow
Green-throated Mountain-Gem
Horned Guan
Hutton’s Vireo
Keel-billed Toucan
Lesser Roadrunner
Long-tailed Manakin
Lovely Cotinga
Mealy Parrot
Mexican Whip-poor-will
Montezuma Oropendola
Mountain Trogon
Ocellated Quail
Ocellated Turkey
Olive Warbler
Olive-sided Towhee
Orange-breasted Falcon
Ornate Hawk-Eagle
Pacific Parakeet
Pink-headed Warbler
Prevost’s Ground-sparrow
Red-faced Warbler
Resplendent Quetzal
Rose-throated Tanager
Ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush
Rufous Sabrewing
Rufous-breasted Spinetail
Rufous-browed Peppershrike
Rufous-browed Wren
Rusty Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Scarlet Macaw
Slate-throated Redstart
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Slender Sheartail
Slender-sheartail Hummingbird
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
Tody Motmot
Townsend’s Warbler
Violet Sabrewing
White-bellied Chachalaca
White-bellied Wren
White-eared Ground Sparrow
White-fronted Parrot
Wilson’s Warbler
Wine-throated  Hummingbird
Yellow-naped Parrot
Yucatan Jay


  • One of the most complete birdwatching trips in Guatemala, where the most important bird species in the country are prioritized

  • The possibility of enjoying the most incredible volcanic landscapes, including the majestic and mythical Atitlan Lake

  • The opportunity not only to see incredible birds but also to enjoy the very rich Guatemalan culture, visiting iconic places such as Antigua, Atitlán and the Mayan world of Tikal

  • Being able to enjoy the incredible biodiversity of Tikal and the wonderful Mayan culture in the heart of its ancient civilization

  • The wonderful gastronomy and the beauty of the country


Day 1. Arrival - Transfer to Antigua Guatemala
Day2. Agua Volcano Slopes / Finca El Pilar
Day3. Rincon Suizo – Tecpan Area – Huehuetenango
Day 4. Todos Santos Cuchumatanes / Quetzaltenango
Day 5. Fuentes Georginas / Finca Tarrales
Day 6. Los Tarrales Nature Reserve full day
Day 7. Tarrales / Santiago Atitlan
Day 8. Santiago Atitlan - San Pedro Volcano / Santiago Atitlan
Day 9. Rey Tepepul / Flight to Flores
Day 10. Flores – Las Guacamayas Biological Station
Day 11. El Peru / las Guacamayas Biological Station
Day 12. Las Guacamayas Biological Station / Tikal National Park
Day 13. Tikal National Park
Day 14. Tikal – Guatemala City
Day 15. Back Home

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