
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

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Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Pinturas Rupestres San Jose del Guaviare

Classic Trans – Amazonic Birding Trial

Classic Trans – Amazonic Birding Trial

per person

The Andes are well-known diversity hotspots hosting a special diversity and a lot of endemic and near-endemic birds. The Orinoquía and Amazonia are home to lots of astonishing birds including colorful Tanagers, cryptic Antbirds, iridescent Hummingbirds, tricky Flycatchers, and songster wrens, all of them right there for you to enjoy. From the isolated high Paramos of the Eastern Andes to the entrance of the Colombian Amazonia, we will look for specialties on the foothills of the Eastern Andes, where you could see one of the most restricted range Antpittas in the world: The Cundinamarca Antpitta. This birdie has been registered only in two localities of the Eastern Andes of Colombia. In the lowlands, we will have the opportunity to watch some colorful Tanagers and search for some cryptic Antbirds, Antshrikes, and Antwrens. At the end of our trip, we will spend three complete days looking for distinguished and rare species along with the transition between the flatlands and the jungle. This area has a record of at least six hundred species living in many different ecosystems offering us the chance to watch magnificent rarities everywhere.

Key Species

 Amazonian Umbrellabird
 Azure Gallinule
 Bare-faced and Sharp-tailed Ibis
 Bare-necked Fruitcrow
 Black faced Tanager
 Black-crowned Tityra
 Blue-tailed Emerald
 Bright-rumped Attila
 Brown Jacamar
 Chesnut-capped Puffbird
 Chesnut-eared Aracari
 Cliff Swallow
 Cobalt-winged Parakeet
 Collared Plover
 Cream-colored Woodpecker
 Crested Oropendola
 Drab Water-Tyrant
 Dusky Antbird
 Epaulet Oriole
 Fork-tailed Woodnymph
 Gilded Barbet
 Golden-crowned Warbler
 Golden-headed Manakin
 Golden-tailed Sapphire
 Great Antshrike
 Great Horned owl
 Great Potoo
 Green-backed Trogon
 Grey-chinned Hermit
 Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
 King Vulture
 Large-billed Tern
 Long-billed Woodcreper
 Magpie Tanager
 Maguari Stork
 Masked Tanager
 Masked-crimsom Tanager
 Orinoco Goose
 Pale-headed Jacamar
 Paradise Tanager
 Pectoral sparrow
 Pied Lapwing
 Purple-throated Fruitcrow
 Ringed Woodpecker
 Russet-backed Oropendola
 Silver-beaked Tanager
 Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher
 Slender-billed Kite
 Speckled Chachalaca
 Speckled Tanager
 Spectacled Trush
 Spot-winged Antbird
 Striped Manakin
 Turqouise Tanager
 Violaceus Jay
 White-bearded Manakin
 White-chinned Jacamar
 White-eared Jacamar
 White-throated tucan
 Yellow-bellied Dacnis
 Yellow-billed Nunbird
 Yellow-billed Tern
 Yellow-tufted Woodpecker


  • We will visit Hato La Aurora, one of the best places for wildlife experience in the Colombian Savannas.

  • Get ready to see Jaguars on the field, the chances here are high in this tour

  • Enjoy and walk through a great combination of lowland ecosystems taking advantage of their mega-biodiversity.

  • Be prepared for the otherworldly experience of being immersed in the incredible cave paintings of San Jose del Guaviare.

  • Enjoy and see by yourself incredible natural geological formations, unique in the country.

  • Destination
  • Departure
    Bogota DC IATA: BOG / Bogota DC IATA: BOG
  • Dress Code
    This is a fairly standard birding tour with early morning starts and evening finishes to each day. One some days we may take picnic lunches in order to no waste time during the middle of the day or having to leave site. The weather can be unpredictable with rain and sunshine both likely. At higher altitudes it can be chilly. We have an amazing photo opportunity for many species of hummingbirds and other species coming to feeders, we will also be looking for a good number of species that are very rare and seldom seen, but we will be going to areas that hold these sought-after species.
  • Included
    Accomodation in Double Room
    All 4x4 vehicules or boats
    All domestic flights
    All ground private transportation
    All meals B-L-D
    Entrances to all natural reserves
    Hot drinks
    Private transfer Airport - hotel - aiport
    Professional Private Birding Guide
    Professional Private Driver
    Single room - adicional pay
    Snaks and water
    Soda or juice with each meal
    Vegan and Vegetarian menus
  • Not Included
    Activities not included in the itinerary
    Alcoholic drinks
    Colombian Event Insurance
    Extensions of a trip due to circumstances beyond our control
    International flights and taxes
    International phone calls
    Laundry service
    Medical expenses (not covered for evet insurance)
    Room service
    Tips or gratuity

Dia 1. Llegada a Bogota
Dia 2. Vuelo a Yopal, transfer a Hato La Aurora / Juan Solito
Dia 3. Hato La Aurora / Juan Solito
Dia 4. Hato La Aurora / Juan Solito
Dia 5. Hato, La Aurora, transfer to Restrepo / Hacienda Camana
Dia 6. Hacienda Camana and Restrepo Forest around / Hacienda Camana
Dia 7. Bosque Bavaria, transfer San Martin / Las Unamas
Dia 8. Las Unamas Natural Reserve / Las Unamas
Dia 9. Transfer to Mesetas, Brisas del Cafre / El Botalón del Abuelo
Dia 10. Vereda la Argentina / El Botalón del Abuelo
Dia 11. Transfer to San Jose, muestra cultural (indígenas Tucano) / Noche en Hotel Quinto Nivel
Dia 12. Pozos y Túneles Naturales o Laguna Damas del Nare / Noche en Hotel Quinto Nivel
Dia 13. Arte Rupestre de Cerro Azul & Coca Farm / Noche en Hotel Quinto Nivel
Dia 14. Puerta de Orión y Rio de Colores, Vuelo a Bogota / Noche en Hilton Garden
Dia 15. Salida Internacional

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