
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359
Termales del Ruiz Colombia - Birding

Colombia Endemic 1 – Andes & Choco

Colombia Endemic 1 – Andes & Choco

per person

Colombia is home to at least 1950 bird species – about 20% of the total bird diversity in the world. With 80 endemic species, the country is a top destination for birders, naturalists, and wildlife photographers. The fact that the country has opened recently, along with the growing interest in the conservation and development of nature tourism, has meant that every day provides new and better places for observation and photography of birds and wildlife in general. The complex geography of the country offers a wide variety of ecosystems which has led to speciation occurring across the entire territory. The Andes in Colombia divide to the south into three branches, interspersed by the deep valleys of the Magdalena River and Cauca, biogeographic barriers that for millions of years have not allowed the connection of the species that inhabit the high mountain ecosystems, causing the evolution and speciation to take place separately on each branch. This tour is focused on the observation of endemic species, almost endemic and of restricted ranges in the isolated moorland ecosystems, Andean forests and high Andes of the country. Colorful tanagers, iridescent hummingbirds, shy antpittas, incredible toucans and noisy jays are a central part of each day on this trip. You will be immersed in the cloud forests of the eastern and central Andes, the cold, but fascinating moorlands over 4000 m (12,000 ft), the dry forests of the inter-Andean valleys and the rain forest that over the western Andes face the pacific. During our tour, it will be possible to see 35 endemic and 51 near-endemic species from the Eastern, Central and Western Andes. A tour where the number of birds can reach 550 species! And where you can enjoy the magical and majestic mountains of this beautiful and mega-diverse country.

Key Species

 Alto-Pisones Tapaculo
 Antioquia Wren
 Apical Flycatcher
 Apolinar´s  Wren
 Black Inca
 Black-and-gold Tanager
 Blue-throated Starfrontlet
 Bogota Rail
 Brown-banded Antpitta
 Brown-breasted Parakeet
 Buffy Helmetcrest
 Cauca Guan
 Chestnut Wood-Quail
 Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer
 Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird
 Colombian Chachalaca
 Coopery-bellied Puffleg
 Crested Ant-Tanager
 Cundinamarca Antpitta
 Dusky Starfrontlet
 East Andean Antbird
 Fuerte´s Parrot
 Gold-ringed Tanager
 Green-bearded Helmetcrest
 Greyish Piculet
 Mountain Grackle
 Moustached Brush-Finch
 Multicolored Tanager
 Munchique Wood-Wren
 Niceforo´s Wren
 Paramillo Tapaculo
 Parker´s Antbird
 Red-bellied Grackle
 Rufous-browed Conebill
 Rufous-fronted Parakeet
 Silvery-throated Spinetail
 Stile´s Tapaculo
 Urrao Antpitta
 Yellow-eared Parrot


  • You will be able to enjoy the famous Colombian area of the coffee triangle, known worldwide for its incredible crops and its beautiful landscape, as well as being a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • We will observe birds in the largest moor in the world, Sumapaz.

  • We will visit the colorful municipality of Jardín, which keeps the typical colonial architecture of the coffee zone and we will be able to have one of the best coffees in the world.

  • We will enjoy a morning observing birds in the surroundings of the Nevado del Ruíz volcano over 4000 meters above sea level.

  • Destination
  • Departure
    Bogota DC IATA: BOG / Bogota DC IATA: BOG
  • Dress Code
    Casual. Comfortable athletic clothing, hiking shoes, hat and warm jacket.
  • Included
    Accomodation in Double Room
    All 4x4 vehicules or boats
    All domestic flights
    All ground private transportation
    All meals B-L-D
    Colombian Event Insurance
    Entrances to all natural reserves
    Hot drinks
    Private transfer Airport - hotel - aiport
    Professional Private Birding Guide
    Professional Private Driver
    Single room - adicional pay
    Snaks and water
    Soda or juice with each meal
    Vegan and Vegetarian menus
  • Not Included
    Activities not included in the itinerary
    Alcoholic drinks
    Extensions of a trip due to circumstances beyond our control
    International flights and taxes
    International phone calls
    Laundry service
    Medical expenses (not covered for evet insurance)
    Room service
    Tips or gratuity

Day 1. Arrival at El Dorado International Airport of Bogotá / Bogota
Day 2. Birding in the Chingaza National Park and hummingbird observation in La Calera / Bogota
Day 3. Birding in Monterredondo Cloud Forest/ Bogota
Day 4. Birding in PNN Sumapaz, transfer to the city of Tunja / Tunja
Day 5. Rogitama Nature reserve, Transfer to the municipality of Soata / Soata
Day 6. Soata oak forest / Soata
Day 7. Chicamocha Canyon dry forest, transfer to Bogota / Bogota
Day 8. Flight to the city of Pereira, transfer to Otun-Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary / Otun
Day 9. Birding at Otun-Quimbaya Sanctuary for Fauna and Flora, owl watching at night / Otun
Day 10. Transfer to Santa Rosa El Cortaderal ranch, transfer to Montezuma (Central Andes) / Montezuma
Day 11. Montezuma Rainforest Reserve (Western Andes) / Montezuma
Day 12. Montezuma Rainforest Reserve (Western Andes) / Montezuma
Day 13. Montezuma Reserve, transfer to Manizales (Western Andes) / Manizales
Day 14. Rio Blanco Nature Reserve (Central Andes) / Manizales
Day 15. Nevado del Ruiz National Park, transfer to Jardin (Central Andes) / Jardin Village
Day 16. Yellow-ear Parrot Reserve (Central Andes) / Jardin Village
Day 17. Bolombolo Location, transfer to Urrao (Cauca Valley) / Urrao Village
Day 18. Starfrontlet Reserve – Colibri del Sol (Western Andes) / Urrao Village
Day 19. La Romera Reserve, transfer to Medellin (Central Andes) / Sabaneta Village
Day 20. International Flight home from Medellin

Tour Review Scores and Score Breakdown

Value for Money
Latest comments
  • William Gunn Porteous - England

    September 21, 2020
    Overall Destination Meals Transport Value for Money Guia

    I lived in Colombia in the 1990s when travel in the country was restricted and potentially dangerous, and now that the greater part of the country is safe I set out to find a local organisation which could show me the birds I still needed to see. The organisation I found is Manakin Nature Tours, run by Eduardo Urueña and Andrea Borras. I have just returned from my first tour with Eduardo to the Cauca Valley and the Western Andes and I could not be more satisfied. Everything from Cauca Guan to Red-bellied Grackle, including such gems as Lanceolated Monklet, Yellow- headed Manakin, Bicoloured Antpitta and both the endemic Bangsias. Detailed attention to logistics, client comfort and expert guiding are the hallmarks of Manakin Nature Tours, and I hope to be back in Colombia in August to clean up, with Eduardo’s help, the birds of the Santa Marta Massif.

  • Olaf Soltau - New York, City

    September 21, 2020
    Overall Destination Meals Transport Value for Money Guia

    In the summer of 2010, I went on a private trip with Manakin Nature Tours that focused on specialty birds of Colombia Central Andes, Cauca Valley and Choco regions. From start to finish, our group was in excellent hands. Always professional and courteous, Luis Eduardo and Andrea worked very hard to make sure we were well prepared and taken care of. Luis Eduardo is an excellent guide with in-depth knowledge of the birds and the best places to find them. As an added advantage, he has up to date knowledge of the political situation in various parts of the country and we felt safe wherever we went. We couldn’t have asked for a better guide to experience the renaissance of Colombian tourism and birding and, of course, spectacular birds!

  • Philip Rostron/Austin, Texas

    September 23, 2020
    Overall Destination Meals Transport Value for Money Guia

    This was my third trip to Colombia, concentrating on the Western and Central Andes. I had a specific target list of around twenty species and Luis put together a good looking itinerary which took in sites to maximize chances for my target species. In the end, through Luis’s organizational and bird-finding skills we were very successful, ¡finding all but one of my targets and even finding some extra time at the end of the trip for a bonus bird! Along the way we saw some fabulous and rare birds such as Fuertes’s Parrot, Urrao Antpitta, Crescent-faced Antpitta, Dusky Starfrontlet, Yellow- headed Manakin, Chocó Vireo and Gold-ringed Tanager. All together a great and very successful trip – Gracias Luis!

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