
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359

We’ve made HARPY EAGLE RESERVE thanks to your support

The year 2022 began with a great discovery, a Harpy Eagle’s nest. On December 30, 2021 we received the news of the discovery of a Harpy Eagle’s nest in Colombia at a completely vulnerable location. During the first weeks of January, we decided to visit the site to evaluate the status of the eagle and its nest. To our delight, there it was, a majestic adult female with its vulnerable little chick, just a few days old!
We felt a commitment in preserving this land, that’s why we created the Save The Harpy Eagle Conservation Project  From that moment on, this enormous effort was to promote this beautiful project, creating a donation campaign to raise funds for the purchase of this land. We desperately needed an immediate support from everybody due to the risk that both, adults and chick, were running at this unprotected area which has had Harpy Eagle killing incidents in the past.
Over the past months, Manakin Nature Tours, together with its allies, has hired two members of the community to help us by monitoring the nest and document the eagles’ behavior. Morocho and Daniel are two super important assets for the conservation of this species. Morocho was the person who first found the nest and noticed us. Along with Daniel, they are our eyes and voice in the nearby community to help preserve the Harpy Eagle. We also spoke to the community about the value of having such a spectacular animal in the area, and how they can work together in developing a responsible tourism. It were six months of continuous visits to make this people realize how important is the role they can play.
Finally, our dreamed moment arrived, and after many meetings with the Hacienda’s owners we reached an agreement for the purchase of the land. An area slightly over 50 hectares, dedicated exclusively for the conservation of the Harpy Eagle! We are all extremely excited, it’s an immense joy for all our staff and have our hearts full of gratitude for all those who donated and trusted our project. Birds unite us, motivate us, and fill our lives with happiness. We’ve signed the papers this week, and now it’s official, Harpy Eagle Reserve is here! Our little Harpy Eagle is now a six-month fledgling, quickly learning to beat its wings, and soon, flying to live its experience as one of the world’s most spectacular birds of prey. The adults are likewise safe now, and keeping an eye on their offspring’s first wing beats.
Andrea and me (Luis) can’t express enough how thankful we are. We could not have possibly imagined reaching such a sublime moment when we started our biology studies. It is a moment of great happiness for both of us, our hearts are full of joy and gratitude for each of you whom helped build this dream. Thank you all!
The Harpy Eagle Reserve is open, come visit us, come visit this incredible region in our beloved country. We invite everybody to watch this video that we’ve produced, a historical moment for the protection of birds in Colombia!


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