
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a magical photography destination in Colombia

The Caribbean region of Colombia is the most northerly continental and marine natural region of the country. It is located in the north of Colombia. The region is limited by the Caribbean Sea on the north, where it gets its name from, by Venezuela on the east, by the Andean region on the south and by the Pacific region on the west.
The North Colombia is a Holy Grail for birders interested in Colombia’s birds, some places are least explored areas in Colombia. In this great and incredible area, we are looking to do this magnificent photography tour with our dear Geoffrey Jones.
Geoffrey Jones is a 70-year-old Australian businessman who has been interested in photography of wild birds in his country since 2007, however, it was not until 2012 that he dedicated himself seriously and constantly to this activity, traveling all over the world seeking to fulfill his goal of photographing the more than 10,000 species worldwide.
In November 2019, Geoffrey in the company of an old friend decided to visit Colombia for the first time through the Manakin Nature Tour and the guide Cristian Daza. On this occasion we visited part of the central and eastern Andes, eastern plains, Orinoquia and a bit of the Amazon jungle. After 5 weeks on this journey we managed to photograph more than 300 species that added to Jones’ objective. La “pajareada” was a successful adventure, but we found ourselves with the human complexity of a person who was going through a very difficult moment in his life and this left us with some not very positive experiences. After 2 and a half years and with constant communication, Geoffrey returns to Colombia to continue adding species to his great goal. Once again, hand in hand with Manakin NT and Cristian Daza, we began a journey that would take us to various places on the Caribbean coast where many specialties awaited us. Cartagena, Turbaco, the Bay of Cispatá, Barranquilla and the Isla de Salamanca park road, the PNN Tayrona, Boca de Camarones and Parque Flamencos in La Guajira, the Santa Marta Mountains, the Serranía del Perijá, Ocaña and its mysterious Bushbird and finally Bogota to close.
Since June 17, the first day of our meeting at the Estelar Hotel in Cartagena, I could see a new person in the eyes of our friend. His energy felt free of burdens and with all the disposition to enjoy life spontaneously and so it was. In the company of Eleiser Martinez, our young 21-year-old samarian driver, we hit the road with smiles and a camaraderie that made the trip feel like a blink. Now, we must mention that in the field everything was pure concentration and Geoffrey’s discipline with the Camera and Cristian’s ability to find the birds that many times were not in the best conditions of light or space but that thanks to the skills and the great Our friend’s team ended up being immortalized in a photo.

A beautiful view of the American Flamingo flying with the city of Cartegena in the background!
We have a great moment with Black-and-chestnut Eagle.
This eagle is endemic to the humid montane forests of the Andes from Venezuela to Argentina

Some important bids in this trip!

Red-throated Ant-Tanager

 Black-fronted Wood-Quail , Streak-backed Canastero, Lesser Violetear and Amethist-throated Sunangel,
A super rare lifer on our current photography tour from the north of Colombia!
Recurve-billed Bushbird
At the end of our 3 weeks together “Lord Jones” (Nick name) got 114 new wings for his list which left him with more than 4300 birds of the world in his files which represents a challenge since only the species with nice picture. Although this man would never leave Australia, he is in love with Colombia and its birds. With his big heart, generosity, a raw sense of humor accompanied by a good Bourbon and a passion for birds, Geoffrey Allan Jones promises to return to visit new regions and greet all the friends he makes along the way.

Perijá Thistletail, Slaty Brushfinch ,White-vented plumeleteer, Black-fronted Brushfinch and Gray-throated Warbler


An incredible selection of trips dated for the current year and ready to go; a great opportunity to travel to dream destinations and meet other bird watchers and nature lovers, make new friends and meet many new species.

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