
Manakin Nature Tours, the best birdwatching and wildlife photography tours in Colombia and Latin America.

Enjoy nature with us! Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays!


Enjoy nature with us!

Is not just Birding, are amazing nature holidays

COL: +57 (321) 884 5359


We decided to create this MANAKIN EDUCATION FOR ALL Campaign, to help these families to have technological resources to be able to have a minimum of quality to study.
Our company´s main guidelines are based on promoting different conservation strategies that allow us to help not only ecosystems but also people who live near important places for birds and wildlife.
The challenges that the pandemic is bringing are enormous, Manakin Nature Tours is in solidarity with all those who have lost family and friends. We know that the pain of loss is not temporary. However, in this text, we want to seek support for other difficulties that the Pandemic is bringing – EDUCATION.
The pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable and marginalized children and youth, said the UN secretary general. Hundreds of millions of people have lost their education and millions may never continue their learning journey. For António Guterres “the progress made, especially for girls and young women, is threatened.” According to UN data, about 11 million students may not return to school after the pandemic.
Early childhood education is impacted 2020/2021, school calendars that have not been completed and with online teaching many families have not adapted to this new reality. We will highlight some of the difficulties and provide solutions to minimize these impacts on the education of children and young people in communities focused on birdwatching in Colombia.
Online education is a very good alternative in this pandemic time, however success depends on the tools available for online learning, we realize that a large part of the families most impacted at that time have only 1 smartphone in the house, and generally used by parents during the day of service, or families who have no notebook / computer options to do daily school activities, or even connect to online classes. Many of these families don’t have the  economic situation to buy a computer to help their children to study, many of these families have more than one child, and they need to share their time to be able to study and thus carry out school activities.
How can these young’s have an acceptable learning experience?
These realities are real in our eyes, these challenges are present in this phase of the pandemic. With the reactivation of tourism, we are returning to areas, communities that are more isolated from large cities and witnessing these challenges for them.
For Manakin Nature Tours birdwatching is active, it is an activity that has an impact on communities, that we are all responsible not only for the conservation of species but also for the well-being of people are present in these green areas.
So we decided to create this MANAKIN EDUCATION FOR ALL Campaign, to help these families to have technological resources to be able to have a minimum of quality to study. The way to help is very simple. You can donate a notebook, computers or a tablet that you are not using (used or new), for these young people it will be very important in the educational journey. These donations can be delivered to our partners in Miami [MANAKIN NATURE TOURS M1736  – 8332 NW 30 TERRACE Miami, FL 33122 Phone: 305 499 9938 ] and from there we send to Colombia, or you can also make a donation in which we buy these new computers here in Colombia and carry out all the distribution of this technological equipment.
Every donation is important, we want the pandemic to end, we know that we will have negative impacts in the coming years, and we want to reduce those impacts to those communities that are responsible for protecting the biodiversity and birds that are in those places.
Share this campaign, help it reach as many people as possible, together we will reduce the impacts of the pandemic on the education of children and young people.
We close this project with words of International Commission on the Futures of Education
The situation we face is so dramatic and difficult that we cannot afford to be pessimistic. We are facing the biggest changes in education since public schooling emerged in the 19th century. The urgency of improving on the world that was before presents us all with a real challenge and responsibility. We must build narratives for what the new reality could look like. We have to nourish the sources that give us hope for rethinking how the world works. Education needs to be at the heart of a post-COVID-19 world. For that future we need boldness of thought and courageous action now.


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